ComMIT Bathymetry Service

This is a guide to the bathymetry service used by ComMIT to download sample grids for training purposes.

Generating a grid

The bathymetry service responds to HTTP GET requests in the following format:
Fields are as follows:

search command

Returns a list of source grids available, optionally filtered by extent and cell size.

If the extent is specified with the xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax parameters, only grids that overlap (partly or completely) the specified envelope are returned.

If, in addition, the cell size is specified, a minimum set of grids required to cover the request extent at the desired resolution is returned. This is the set that will be used for gridding. If a valid set of extent parameters (xmin/ymin/xmax/ymax) are not specified, these are ignored. If cellsize is not specified, all overlapping grids are returned. If xcellsize and ycellsize are used, the minimum of these is used when searching; they are only used separately when actually generating the grid.

Response format (CSV):

filename, dirname, xcellsize, ycellsize, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax

create command

Requests creation of the specified grid. The current file format supported is "most". Both extent and cell size parameters must be set.


The grid can take some time to create, so a response is sent immediately with a status update if the grid is still being processed. The HTTP status code indicates the status:

grid command

Downloads an entire source grid: grid/dirname/filename

About the dataset

The ComMIT grid tool provides combined bathymetric/topographic gridded digital elevation models for tsunami modeling. While the dataset is useful for training and demonstration purposes, it was automatically generated primarily from low-resolution bathymetric data sources, and has received limited manual review. It should not be used for hazard mapping or similar purposes.

The high-resolution (3-arc-second) dataset is primarily derived from two sources:

The ComMIT bathymetry dataset was created by first removing land values in the GEBCO data, then interpolated from 30 arc-seconds onto the 3 arc-second SRTM grid with a simple bilinear interpolation. Land values are then simply replaced with the SRTM data. This simple process preserves the coastline well, and produces a dataset is relatively inaccurate in bathymetry, but tends to be stable for most tsunami sources in the NCTR propagation database, and is therefore useful for training purposes. NCTR recommends it be used only for this purpose.